Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Privacy is your concern, and not Facebook's

Much has been written about privacy and the web. I just read an excellent column from Webby Awards' director David-Michel Davies over on MediaBizBloggers. I don’t know if this blog post was inspired by or prompted by an earlier blog post on that same website from the usually very articulate and smart Shelly Palmer.

The issue at hand is this: with Facebook Search upon us apparently you will now be exposed for the binge-drinking, table dancing, karaoke singing, serial adulterer/adulteress that you are.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Let's ban the word Television - epilogue

Even though I was going to tackle some other thorny subjects as the new year starts, I must one more time come back to what has become my most read and shared TV posts from 2012 (if you missed them, part 1 is here, and part 2 is here).

The reason I wanted to add this epilogue is that a good friend and much admired thinker sent me some really interesting comments and I wanted to share them with you.